When it comes to data protection, we’ll take it as a compliment.
Data Protection Guarantee
With OneAll, your data enjoys the protection of some of the world's most stringent data protection laws.
We are dedicated to protecting your personal data against unauthorized usage and we are fully compliant with all
European data protection laws - which are amongst the strictest in the world.
Go ahead. Call us neurotic. When it comes to data protection, we’ll take it as a compliment.
All of us here at OneAll are dedicated to protecting your personal data against unauthorized usage. This includes 100% compliance with
all European - GDPR included - and U.S. data protection laws, strict adherence to our company's privacy policy and
a responsible usage of any information that you or your users share with us.
We guarantee that all of your data is stored in secure facilities housed in data centers that have been certified by the International Organization for Standardization.
Our servers are located in Germany and your data privacy is governed by German data protection laws - which are amongst the strictest in the world.
This means that we adhere - by law - to a strict need-to-know policy: all members of our staff only get clearance to systems and data they absolutely need to access. In addition to that, all our employees and partners are contractually bound and regularly educated about data privacy and protection.
We will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute the information that you or your users share with us without your explicit permission
unless we are required to do so under applicable law.
We value your privacy and we want you to feel comfortable using our services.